Government of the Commonwealth of Dominica

Polling Stations (Where to vote)

How to determine the Polling Station to vote at for the 2014 General Election:

  1. Find the Constituency in which you are registered.
  2. Find the area you lived in when you registered.
  3. Find the letter your surname begins with and the corresponding Polling Station.

Castle Bruce Constituency

Tranto/ Dixpais

Polling StationSurnameLocation
A01-1 Petite Soufriere A-J Petite Soufriere Primary School
A01-2 Petite Soufriere K- Z Petite Soufriere Primary School
A02-3 San Sauveur A-Z San Sauveur Primary School
A03-4 Good Hope A-J Good Hope Resource Centre
A03-5 Good Hope K-Z Good Hope Resource Centre
A03/A04-6 Tranto/Dixpais A-Z  Dixpais Fair Trade Building
A04-7 Castle Bruce (South) A-C Castle Bruce Primary School
A04-8 Castle Bruce (South) D-J Castle Bruce Primary School
A04-9 Castle Bruce (South) K-Z Castle Bruce Primary School
A05-10 Castle Bruce (North) A-J Castle Bruce Primary School
A05-11 Castle Bruce (North) K-Z Castle Bruce Primary School


Colihaut Constituency

Polling StationSurnameLocation
B01-1 Dublanc A-J Dublanc Primary School
B01-2 Dublanc K- Z Dublanc Primary School
B02-3 Colihaut A-H Colihaut Primary School
B02-4 Colihaut I-P Colihaut Primary School
B02-5 Colihaut Q-Z Colihaut Primary School
B03-6 Bioche A-Z Bioche Fisheries Complex


Cottage Constituency

Polling StationSurnameLocation
C01-1 Lagoon A-F Portsmouth Secondary School
C01-2 Lagoon G-N Portsmouth Secondary School
C01-3 Lagoon O-Z Lagoon Youth Centre
C02-4 Savanne Paille, Guillete, Tan-Tan A-Z Savanne Paille Primary School
C02-5 Toucarie/Morne A Louis A-Z Toucarie Chapel
C02-6 Cottage A-Z Cottage Community Centre
C03-7 Clifton A-Z Clifton Primary School
C03-8 Capuchin A-Z Capuchin Resource Centre


Grand Bay Constituency

Polling StationSurnameLocation
D01-1 Grand Bay (North) A-C Grand Bay Village Council
D01-2 Grand Bay (North) D-I Grand Bay Primary School
D01-3 Grand Bay (North) J-P Grand Bay Primary School
D01-4 Grand Bay (North) Q-Z Grand Bay Primary School
D02-5 Grand Bay (South) A-A Grand Bay Primary School
D02-6 Grand Bay (South) B-B St. Jerome's Ministry
D02-7 Grand Bay (South) C-E House of Johnson Baron
D02-8 Grand Bay (South) F-H House of Johnson Baron
D02-9 Grand Bay (South) I-L House of Rene Anselm
D02-10 Grand Bay (South) M-R Grand Bay Youth Centre
D02-11 Grand Bay (South) S-Z Grand Bay Youth Centre
D03-12 Tete Morne A-C Tete Morne Primary School
D03-13 Tete Morne D-J Tete Morne Primary School
D03-14 Tete Morne K-Z Tete Morne Primary School


La Plaine Constituency

Polling StationSurnameLocation
E01-1 La Plaine A-C Jones Beaupierre Primary School
E01-2 La Plaine D-J Jones Beaupierre Primary School
E01-3 La Plaine K-R Jones Beaupierre Primary School
E01-4 La Plaine S-Z House of Kent Edward
E02-5 La Ronde A-Z House of Rose Cuffy, La Ronde
E03-6 Boetica A-Z Boetica Primary School
E04-7 Victoria/La Roche A-Z Black Star, La Roche
E05-8 Carib A-Z Village Council's Office, Carib
E06-9 Delices A-Z House of Anna Didier, Delices
E07-10 Case O’Gowrie A-Z House of Fernanda Giraudel, Case O’ Gowrie


Mahaut Constituency

Polling StationSurnameLocation
F01-1 Massacre A-E Massacre Catholic Centre
F01-2 Massacre F-J Massacre Catholic Centre
F01-3 Massacre K-P Massacre Catholic Centre
F01-4 Massacre Q-Z Massacre Catholic Centre
F02-5 Mahaut (South) A-D Mahaut Fisheries Co-operative
F02-6 Mahaut (South) E-I Mahaut Post Office – Mahaut Market
F02-7 Mahaut (South) J-M C.C.F. Office
F02-8 Mahaut (South) N-Z C.C.F. Office
F03-9 Mahaut (North) A-D Mahaut Primary School
F03-10 Mahaut (North) E-J Mahaut Primary School
F03-11 Mahaut (North) K-Q Mahaut Primary School
F03-12 Mahaut (North) R-Z Mahaut Primary School
F03-13 Jimmit A-Z Office of Disaster Management, Jimmit
F04-14 Tarreau A-Z House of Albert Hilaire, Tarreau
F05-15 Campbell A-E Campbell Primary School
F05-16 Campbell F-Z Campbell Primary School
F06-17 Warner A-Z Warner Primary School
F07-18 Canefield A-B Canefield Community Centre
F07-19 Canefield C-F Canefield Community Centre
F07-20 Canefield G-I Canefield Pre-School
F07-21 Canefield J-J Canefield Pre-School
F07-22 Canefield K-P Old Mill Cultural Centre, Canefield
F07-23 Canefield Q-Z Old Mill Cultural Centre, Canefield


Marigot Constituency

Polling StationSurnameLocation
G01-1 Concord A-Z Concord Primary School
G01-2 Sams Gutter A-J Pentecostal Church – Sams Gutter
G01-3 Sams Gutter K-Z Pentecostal Church – Sams Gutter
G02-4 Marigot (East) A-F W.S. Stevens School – Weirs
G02-5 Marigot (East) G-O W.S. Stevens School – Weirs
G02-6 Marigot (East) P-Z W.S. Stevens School – Weirs
G03-7 Marigot (West) A-D Methodist Vocational School, Marigot
G03-8 Marigot (West) E-K Old Zion Building
G03-9 Marigot (West) L-P Marigot Village Council's Office
G03-10 Marigot (West) Q-Z Marigot Village Council's Office


Morne Jaune/Riviere Cyrique Constituency

Polling StationSurnameLocation
H01-1 Grand Fond A-F Grand Fond Primary School
H01-2 Grand Fond G-N Grand Fond Primary School
H01-3 Grand Fond O-Z Grand Fond Primary School
H02-4 Riviere Cyrique A-K Riviere Cyrique Village Council Office
H02-5 Riviere Cyrique L-Z Riviere Cyrique Pre School
H03-6 Morne Jaune A-Z Morne Jaune Primary School


Paix Bouche Constituency

Polling StationSurnameLocation
J01-1 Bense A-I Bense Primary School
J01-2 Bense J-Z Bense Primary School
J02-3 Anse De Mai A-Z Anse De Mai Catholic Church Hall
J03-4 Calibishie A-C Calibishie Primary School
J03-5 Calibishie D-H Calibishie Primary School
J03-6 Calibishie I-R Calibishie Primary School
J03-7 Calibishie S-Z Calibishie Primary School
J04-8 Paix Bouche A-F Paix Bouche Primary School
J04-9 Paix Bouche G-M Paix Bouche Primary School
J04-10 Paix Bouche N-Z Paix Bouche Primary School


Petite Savanne Constituency

Polling StationSurnameLocation
K01-1 Pichelin A-J Pichelin Community Centre
K01-2 Pichelin K-Z Pichelin Community Centre
K02-3 Petite Savanne A-E Petite Savanne Primary School
K02-4 Petite Savanne F-L Petite Savanne Primary School
K02-5 Petite Savanne M-Z Petite Savanne Village Council's Office
K03-6 Dubique A-Z Dubique Resource Centre
K04-7 Bagatelle A-E Bagatelle Primary School
K04-8 Bagatelle F-F Bagatelle Primary School
K04-9 Bagatelle G-Z Bagatelle Primary School
K05-10 Bellevue Chopin A-Z Bellevue Chopin Primary School


Portsmouth Constituency

Polling StationSurnameLocation
L01-1 Glanvillia A-J Glanvillia Community Centre
L01-2 Glanvillia K-Z Glanvillia Community Centre
L02-3 Portsmouth (West) A-G St. John’s School
L02-4 Portsmouth (West) H-O St. John’s School
L02-5 Portsmouth (West) P-Z St. John’s School
L03-6 Portsmouth (East) A-D Roosevelt Douglas Primary School
L03-7 Portsmouth (East) E-K Roosevelt Douglas Primary School
L03-8 Portsmouth (East) L-P Roosevelt Douglas Primary School
L03-9 Portsmouth (East) Q-Z Roosevelt Douglas Primary School
L04-10 Bourne A-Z House of Patrick Jno. Baptiste, Bourne
L05-11 Dos D'ane A-Z Dos D’Ane Women Centre


Roseau Central Constituency

Polling StationSurnameLocation
M01-1 Roseau Central A-I Roseau City Council (Baracoon Building)
M01-2 Roseau Central J-Z Roseau City Council (Baracoon Building)
M02-3 Roseau Central A-J Magistrate Court No. 1
M02-4 Roseau Central K-Z Magistrate Court No. 2
M03-5 Roseau Central A-K St. Martin’s Primary School (Infant Section)
M03-6 Roseau Central L-Z St. Martin’s Primary School (Infant Section)
M04-7 Roseau Central A-Z Youth Enterprise Centre
M05-8 Roseau Central A-L WAWU Auditorium
M05-9 Roseau Central M-Z WAWU Auditorium
M06-10 Roseau Central A-E Convent Prep
M06-11 Roseau Central F-M Convent Prep
M06-12 Roseau Central N-Z Convent Prep
M07-13 Roseau Central A-K St. Martin’s Primary School (Upper Section)
M07-14 Roseau Central L-Z St. Martin’s Primary School (Upper Section)


Roseau North Constituency

Polling StationSurnameLocation
N01-1 Pottersville A-C Goodwill Parish Hall
N01-2 Pottersville D-I Goodwill Parish Hall
N01-3 Pottersville J-M Goodwill Parish Hall
N01-4 Pottersville N-Z Goodwill Parish Hall
N02-5 Lower Goodwill (East) A-D Alpha Centre
N02-6 Lower Goodwill (East) E-J Alpha Centre
N02-7 Lower Goodwill (East) K-P Christian Union Pre-School
N02-8 Lower Goodwill (East) Q-Z Christian Union Pre-School
N03-9 Lower Goodwill (West) A-F St. Alphonsus Pre-School
N03-10 Lower Goodwill (West) G-M St. Alphonsus Pre-School
N03-11 Lower Goodwill (West) N-Z St. Alphonsus Pre-School
N04-12 Upper Goodwill/Louisville A-C Red Cross Headquarters
N04-13 Upper Goodwill/Louisville D-I Red Cross Headquarters
N04-14 Upper Goodwill/Louisville J-P Christian Union Primary School
N04-15 Upper Goodwill/Louisville Q-Z Christian Union Primary School
N05-16 Bellevue Rawle/Gutter Village A-C Gutter Community Centre
N05-17 Bellevue Rawle/Gutter Village D-G Gutter Community Centre
N05-18 Bellevue Rawle/Gutter Village H-L Goodwill Primary School
N05-19 Bellevue Rawle/Gutter Village M-R Goodwill Primary School
N05-20 Bellevue Rawle/Gutter Village S-Z Goodwill Primary School
N06-21 Fond Cole/Morne Daniel A-E Fond Cole Community Centre
N06-22 Fond Cole/Morne Daniel F-L Fond Cole Community Centre
N06-23 Fond Cole/Morne Daniel M-Z Fond Cole Community Centre
N07-24 Stock Farm A-Z House of Louis Delsol, Stockfarm


Roseau South Constituency

Polling StationSurnameLocation
O01-1 Kings Hill A-I House of Annette St. Hilaire
O01-2 Kings Hill J-O Kingshill Baptiste Church
O01-3 Kings Hill P-Z Harlem Community Centre
O02-4 Newtown (Lower) A-Z Harlem Community Centre
O03-5 Newtown (Lower) A-K Fatima Church Hall
O03-6 Newtown (Lower) L-Z Fatima Church Hall
O04-7 Newtown (Central) A-G Newtown Primary School, Jinja School
O04-8 Newtown (Central) H-O Newtown Primary School, Jinja School
O04-9 Newtown (Central) P-Z Newtown Primary School, Jinja School
O05-10 Eggleston A-Z Eggleston Old Primary School
O06-11 Giraudel A-Z Giraudel Primary School
O07-12 Loubiere A-G House of Henry Scotland
O07-13 Loubiere H-M Loubiere Resource Centre
O07-14 Loubiere N-Z Loubiere Resource Centre
O08-15 Bath Estate A-C Roseau Primary School, Bath Estate
O08-16 Bath Estate D-I Roseau Primary School, Bath Estate
O08-17 Bath Estate J-O Roseau Primary School, Bath Estate
O08-18 Bath Estate P-Z Roseau Primary School, Bath Estate
O09-19 Elmshall A-Z House of Eusebilia Lewis


Roseau Valley Constituency

Polling StationSurnameLocation
P01-1 Shawford/Fond Canie A-Z House of Nathalie Joseph, Fond Canie
P01-2 Trafalgar A-J Trafalgar Primary School
P01-3 Trafalgar K-Z Trafalgar Community Centre
P02-4 Laudat A-Z Laudat Primary School
P03-5 Wotten Waven A-Z Wotten Waven Primary School
P04-6 Morne Prosper A-J Morne Prosper Primary School
P04-7 Morne Prosper K-Z Morne Prosper Pre-School
P04-8 Copthall A-Z House of Colbert Pinard
P05-9 Cockrane A-Z Cockrane Primary School


Salisbury Constituency

Polling StationSurnameLocation
Q01-1 Coulibistrie A-K Coulibistrie Primary School
Q01-2 Coulibistrie L-Z Coulibistrie Primary School
Q02-3 Grand Savannah A-K Salisbury Primary School 
Q02-4 Grand Savannah L-Z Salisbury Primary School 
Q03-5 Salisbury A-E Salisbury Primary School
Q03-6 Salisbury F-J Salisbury Primary School
Q03-7 Salisbury K-R Salisbury Primary School
Q03-8 Salisbury S-Z Salisbury Primary School
Q04-9 Morne Rachette A-Z Morne Rachette Resource Centre


Salybia Constituency

Polling StationSurnameLocation
R01-1 Concord A-Z House of Raphael Auguiste, Concord
R01-2 Atkinson/Antrizle A-J House of Hilford John, Atkinson
R01-3 Atkinson/Antrizle K-Z Atkinson Resource Centre
R01-4 Bataca A-J Bataca Church of Nazarene
R01-5 Bataca K-Z Bataca Church of Nazarene
R01-6 Crayfish River/Pointe A-Z Carib Council Office, Salybia
R02-7 Salybia A-Z House of Winsome John
R02-8 St. Cyr A-Z Salybia Primary School, St. Cyr
R02-9 Gaulette River A-Z Carib Affairs Office
R02-10 Mahaut River A-Z Sineku Primary School
R02-11 Sineku A-Z Sineku Resource Centre


St. Joseph Constituency

Polling StationSurnameLocation
S01-1 Layou A-J Layou Methodist Hall
S01-2 Layou K-Z Layou Club House
S02-3 Mero A-Z New House of Marie Brown
S03-4 Belles A-Z Belles Primary School
S04-5 St. Joseph (West) A-D St. Joseph Community Centre
S04-6 St. Joseph (West) E-J St. Joseph Community Centre
S04-7 St. Joseph (West) K-R Matthew’s Hall
S04-8 St. Joseph (West) S-Z Matthew’s Hall
S05-9 St. Joseph (East) A-D St. Joseph Primary School
S05-10 St. Joseph (East) E-J St. Joseph Primary School
S05-11 St. Joseph (East) K-O St. Joseph Primary School
S05-12 St. Joseph (East) P-S Somerset Sport Club
S05-13 St. Joseph (East) T-Z House of Washington Jno. Baptiste


Soufriere Constituency

Polling StationSurnameLocation
T01-1 Scotts Head A-F House of Mr.  Eustace Jervier
T01-2 Scotts Head G-M Scott's Head Caribantic Resort
T01-3 Scotts Head N-Z Scott's Head Caribantic Resort
T02-4 Soufriere A-E Soufriere Village Council’s Office
T02-5 Soufriere F-M Soufriere Village Council’s Office
T02-6 Soufriere N-Z Soufriere Church Hall
T03-7 Pointe Michel A-J House of Mr. Clayton Christian
T03-8 Pointe Michel K-Z House of Mrs. Roma Douglas
T04-9 Pointe Michel A-D Pointe Michel Community Centre
T04-10 Pointe Michel E-N Pointe Michel Community Centre
T04-11 Pointe Michel O-Z Pointe Michel Community Centre


Vieille Case Constituency

Polling StationSurnameLocation
U01-1 La Haut A-Z Craft Centre, Upper Penville
U02-2 Upper Penville A-Z Penville Primary School
U03-3 Lower Penville A-Z House of Augustus Thomas, Lower Penville
U04-4 Ambas A-Z House of Sebastien Brumant, Ambas
U05-5 Vieille Case A-H Vieille Case Parish Hall
U05-6 Vieille Case I –P Vieille Case Village Council's Office
U05-7 Vieille Case Q-Z House of Yoland Jno.Jules
U06-8 Thibaud A-K Thibaud Village Council’s Office
U06-9 Thibaud L-Z Credit Union Office, Thibaud


Wesley Constituency

Polling StationSurnameLocation
V01-1 Woodford Hill A-B Woodford Hill Primary School
V01-2 Woodford Hill C-H Woodford Hill Primary School
V01-3 Woodford Hill I-P Woodford Hill Primary School
V01-4 Woodford Hill Q-Z Woodford Hill Primary School
V02-5 Wesley (bottom Wesley and Batiste) A-D Wesley Primary School
V02-6 Wesley (bottom Wesley and Batiste) E-L Wesley Primary School
V02-7 Wesley (bottom Wesley and Batiste) M-R Wesley Primary School
V02-8 Wesley (bottom Wesley and Batiste) S-Z Wesley Primary School
V03-9 Wesley (Hunt and Poor Man’s Corner) A-C House of June Joseph ( Pre-School)
V03-10 Wesley (Hunt and Poor Man’s Corner) D-J House of June Joseph (Pre-School)
V03-11 Wesley (Hunt and Poor Man’s Corner) K-S House of June Joseph
V03-12 Wesley (Hunt and Poor Man’s Corner) T-Z House of Jennifer Phillip
