Government of the Commonwealth of Dominica

Candidates Nominated Canefield Urban Council

Residents of Canefield are informed that on Tuesday, August  27, 2013 the following persons  were nominated to contest the Canefield Urban Council General Election scheduled to be held on Monday, September 16, 2013.


1.                       ABRAHAM

                Jerry ABRAHAM                                         Mechanic                                TREE

               19 Housing Scheme, Canefield


2.                      ALBERT

                Simeon ALBERT                                        Joiner                                           CAR

                207 Imperial Road, Canefield


3.                  CARTER

             Charnel CARTER                                      Customer Service                 TEACUP       

             23 3rd Street, River Estate, Canefield         Supervisor                                                

4.                  COIPEL

           Michael COIPEL                                            Driver                                      SHIP              



5.                  DUPUIS

           Joyce DUPUIS                                               Retired                                     LANTERN

     RBC Housing Scheme, Canefield


6.                  JOSEPH

           Evandar JOSEPH                                           Magistrate                              BRUSH

          8th Street, Canefield


7.                  MC PHERSON

          Jefferson MC PHERSON                              Custom Tarrif                         FLAG

          7th Street, Canefield                                        Clerk


8.                  THEODORE

          Estelle THEODORE                                      Student                                   CHAIR          

        Rock- A- Way, Canefield


9.                  TIMOTHY

         Michael TIMOTHY                                        Businessman                           HORSE

          3544 Canefield Highway                                                       

The voting will commence at eight o'clock in the morning and close at five o'clock in the afternoon on that same day.

Electors are urged to exercise the right to vote.

Chief Elections Officer