Government of the Commonwealth of Dominica

Supplementary Electors List February 2013

The general public is informed that the supplementary elector’s lists for the quarter ending February 28, 2013 are posted for public viewing in the under mentioned polling districts.

Polling District A01 Petite Soufriere
Polling District A03 Good Hope
Polling District E01 La Plaine
Polling District F03 Jimmit Housing Scheme
Polling District G01 Sams Gutter, Marigot
Polling District L01 Glanvillia
Polling District M06 Roseau
Polling District N04 Upper Goodwill
Polling District N06 Fond Cole
Polling District P01 Trafalgar
Polling District P04 Morne Prosper
Polling District R01 Atkinson
Polling District S05 St. Joseph
Polling District S03 Belles
Polling District T03 Pointe Michel
Polling District T04 Pointe Michel
Pollingdistrict U06 Thibaud
Pollng District V01 Woodford Hill
Polling District V02 Wesley
Polling District V03 Wesley

The lists can also be inspected at the homes of the assistant registering officers for these polling districts between 5:00 p.m and 5:30 p.m. Monday to Friday.

Persons in the above-mentioned polling districts who applied for registration as electors during the period December 1, 2012 to February 28, 2013 are requested to inspect the list and to bring any discrepancy therein, to the attention of the registering officer for the polling district, constituency or the Electoral Office at the corner of Turkey Lane and Independence Street, Roseau, Dominica.

Chief Elections Officer

Posted: 11/03/2013