Government of the Commonwealth of Dominica

Notice: Returning Officers for the House of Assembly General Elections



The general public is informed that the undermentioned persons are appointed Returning Officers for the House of Assembly General Elections, in accordance with Section 6 (1) of the House of Assembly (Elections) Act, Chapter 2:01 of the Revised Laws of Dominica, 1990, Election.



1. Augustus Drigo   Castle Bruce
2. Rosette Bertrand  Colihaut
3. Osborne Francis Cottage
4. Robert George  Grand Bay
5. Bertha Warrington  La Plaine
6. Rita Destouche-Edmund Mahaut
7. Portia Tyson Marigot
8. Sherline Prescott  Morne Jaune/Riviere Cyrique
9. Nardine Paul  Paix Bouche
10. Timothy Moses Petite Savanne
11. Anita Rodney  Portsmouth
12. Josephine Lewis Roseau Central
13. Genevieve Guye Roseau North
14. Norma Payne    Roseau South
15. Merrill Matthew  Roseau Valley
16. Glenroy Toussaint Salisbury
17. Kathleen Auguiste Jno. Lewis  Salybia
18. Anthony Joseph  St. Joseph
19. Clare Seraphin Wallace  Soufriere
20. Cynthia Joseph  Vieille Case
21. Diane Telemacque-Williams Wesley



Nomination day is 18th November 2022 between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m.


Prospective candidates must deliver, or cause to be delivered to the Returning Officer of the Constituency for which he/she seeks to be elected, a Statutory Declaration of his/her qualification, and his/her consent in writing to the Nomination, together with a deposit of five hundred dollars ($500.00) in cash, at the place fixed for nomination.



The nomination centres are as follows:



1. Castle Bruce    Castle Bruce Primary School 
2. Colihaut  Colihaut Village Council Office
3. Cottage  Cottage Community Centre
4.Grand Bay  Grand Bay Village Council Office
5. La Plaine  La Plaine Police Station
6. Mahaut  Mahaut Village Council Office  
7. Marigot  Marigot Police Station
8. Morne Jaune/Riviere Cyrique  Grand Fond Village Council Office
9. Paix Bouche  Paix Bouche Village Council Office
10. Petite Savanne  Bellevue Chopin Housing Scheme Mall
11. Portsmouth  Adult Education Centre
12. Roseau Central Electoral Office
13. Roseau North  Alpha Centre, Goodwill
14. Roseau South  Electoral Office
15. Roseau Valley  House of Merrill Matthew, Laudat
16. Salisbury  Salisbury Police Station
17. Salybia  Kalinago Council’s Office
18. St. Joseph  St. Joseph Community Centre
19. Soufriere  Soufriere Police Station
20. Vieille Case  Vieille Case Court Room
21. Wesley  Wesley Police Station



The attention of the public, Candidates in particular, are asked to take note of these requirements:


  1. Every Candidate for Election:


            (a) must be nominated in writing by not less than six Registered Electors of the Constituency for which he/she seeks to be elected.


            (b) must consent in writing to such nomination in Form 12.


  1. (a) must at the time of his/her nomination  deliver, or cause to be

                 delivered to the Returning Officer, a Statutory Declaration in Form 13, made

                 and subscribed by the Candidate or, if the Candidate is absent from the State on

                 Nomination Day, by his duly authorized Agent, in Form 14.


            (b) must ensure that the Statutory Declaration  is attested to by a Registrar, Magistrate,  Justice of Peace or Notary Public.


            (c ) must ensure that the Statutory Declaration is signed in the Presence of the Registrar,  Magistrate, Justice of Peace as the case may be.


            (d) must affix five dollars ( $ 5.00) stamp to the Declaration.


            (e) If  the Statutory Declaration is not delivered as stipulated, the nomination of the Candidate shall be deemed to be void.


  1. The Returning Officers shall be at the aforementioned places and at the time specified receive the Nomination Papers as they are tendered to him.