Endorsed by the Electoral Commission
Electoral Legislation Review Consultation with
The Dominica Business Forum
15th June, 2021
Greetings Dominica!
I indicated in my last Press Release of 19th May, 2021, that in addition to the Survey, I will host other public consultations. As such, I now wish to inform all nationals of Dominica that my first Electoral Legislation Review Public Consultation, in collaboration with the Electoral Commission is scheduled to take place with the Dominica Business Forum Inc on Thursday, 17th June, 2021. The venue for the said Consultation will be the Conference Room of the Dominica Public Service Union, Valley Road, Roseau from 9:00 am to 12:30 pm. However, because of the COVID-19 Pandemic, the Consultation will also be streamed live, on several media platforms and hosted virtually. The Presenters will be Members of the Electoral Commission, Members of the Dominica Business Forum Inc, Private Sector and Civil Society Organizations and me. Recommendations and suggestions from citizens will also form part of the Consultation.
I am appealing to all Organizations who have been invited to participate, to confirm your participation by Wednesday, 16th June, 2021. The more participation from you, the public, the greater the opportunity to achieving Electoral Reform in the Commonwealth of Dominica.
Thank You!