The SOUFRIERE Constituency.
NOTICE is hereby given to the electors of the constituency aforesaid that a poll has been granted for the election now pending for the said constituency and that such poll will be opened on the 7th day of June, 2016 at the hour of seven in the forenoon and kept open till the hour of five in the afternoon in the following polling stations established in the various polling districts comprised in the said constituency:
Polling Station No. Voters Surname Location of Polling Station
T01 - 1 A- F Scott’s Head Primary School
T01 - 2 G - M Scott’s Head Primary School
T01 - 3 N - Z Scott’s Head Primary School
T02 - 4 A - E Soufriere Village Council’s Office
T02 - 5 F - M Soufriere Village Council’s Office
T02 - 6 N- Z Soufriere Church Hall
T03 – 7 A –J House of Sheila Etienne (Prisca’s
T03 - 8 K – Z House of Theodora Labassiere, Pore
T04 – 9 A - D Pointe Michel Community Centre
T04 – 10 E –N Pointe Michel Community Centre
T04 – 11 O- Z Pointe Michel Community Centre
And that the candidates in the above constituency are as follows:
Adams Hidges
Charles Denise Annis
and that the number of votes given to the several candidates will be counted at the Pointe Michel Police Station commencing at 9 o’clock on the 8th day of
June, 2016 of which all persons are hereby required to take notice and govern themselves accordingly.
Given under my hand at Soufriere this 20th day of May, 2016.