Government of the Commonwealth of Dominica

Electorate Statistics

Note: Published in November 2016.

Electoral District No. of Polling Districts Electorate
Castle Bruce 5 2850
Colihaut 3 1531
Cottage 3 2186
Grand Bay 3 3934
La Plaine 7 2562
Mahaut 7 7060
Marigot 3 2610
Morne Jaune/Riviere Cyrique 3 1726
Paix Bouche 4 2661
Petite Savanne 5 2665
Portsmouth 5 3272
Roseau Central 7 3822
Roseau North 7 7315
Roseau South 9 6874
Roseau Valley 5 2560
Salisbury 4 2631
Salybia 2 2531
St. Joseph 5 3867
Soufriere 4 3409
Vieille Case 6 2148
Wesley 3 3254
Total 100 71468